Thursday, April 24, 2014

Two Lessons from Amazing Ants—DON’T FORGET TO WATCH THE VIDEO!

Are you burdened with a heavy load of change that you believe is impossible?  Maybe you want to overcome an addiction or lose some weight.  If this is the case, I would like you to consider one insect—the ant.  The ant can teach us two lessons that I would like us to consider in light of adopting lasting lifestyle change. 

First, let’s define diligence. says that diligence is the constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken.  I must confess that although I am writing this blog, I too could implement this more into my life.  But let’s take a closer look at an ant’s diligence. 

Ants take A LOT of short breaks.  On average, worker ants nap about 250 times per day, but the naps last just over one minute.  This equates to about four and half hours of sleep per day.  I think that when adopting lifestyle change this could help prevent burn out.  In other words, don’t stress out over the minutes you take a break, but make sure you keep the goal in front of you so you do not linger into laziness.  Another point worth mentioning here for the extremists—you need more than four hours of sleep.  Make sure you get your seven and half to nine hours of sleep if possible. 

Interdependence is a fancy word for having balanced relationships.  You are not dependent in the sense that you cannot function as an individual, but you are also not the lone ranger who claims sole independence.  You recognize that you need others, but you also do your part as an individual. 

The cool thing about ants here is that they move an estimated 50 tons of soil per year in one square mile.  Do you think that one ant could do that alone?  Nope.  They need help—and lots of it.  In the same way, when you want to make a move in life, you need to get some help.  Do not be afraid to reach out to those who will support you in your change.  Make this circle as big as possible.  Just like the ant though, you still have to do your own lifting. 

The Bottom Line
Ants are great testimonies to the power of what can be accomplished when you are diligent and interdependent.  Take some time right now for 10 or 15 minutes and evaluate your commitment to change in these areas.  Are your breaks too long?  What will you do to help shorten those breaks?  Do you have a circle of support to help you change?  If not, write those names down and decide what you will talk to them about today.  What do you need from them?  Dig like an ant and Break your Nature.  Watch this video to see what one colony of ants accomplished!  Amazing! 

Nick Massey is a Life Coach, Speaker, and Writer.  To read more from Nick Massey, or to schedule him for a Life Coaching session, or book him to speak to your church, business, or group, visit our website at © 2014 Nick Massey

Thursday, April 17, 2014

How to Enjoy Change--the Successes and Failures

Contentment is a key to enjoying the lifestyle changes you are making.  I want you be okay, and even rejoice in change—the successes and failures.  It is easy to be content in the good times, but much more difficult for most people in the bad times.  Before we move along though, I want to talk about what contentment is and is not.

Contentment and Complacency
A good picture of this is found in the letter from Paul to the Philippians.  In the close of the letter, he tells the Philippians that he has “learned in whatever situation [he is in] to be content” (Philippians 4:11b, ESV).  To counterbalance the laid back, laissez faire, complacent individuals (I myself was one), I want to point out something else in the same letter.  In chapter three verses twelve thru fourteen, Paul uses the phrases “press on to make it my own,” and “press on toward the goal” (ESV).

My point here is that contentment includes progress toward a goal, while also being okay with the circumstances you have been given. 

The Secret to Contentment
The other noteworthy statement from Paul is his statement about the secret to contentment.  He says, “I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.  I can do all things through [Christ] who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:12b-13, ESV).  So the secret is strength from Christ, but how does that happen?  I believe it is a mindset that is given from God.

For one to be content, they must see that whether it is suffering or ease, pain or pleasure—that they all come from the hand of God (Romans 8:28).  Let me explain.

You may be thinking, “Suffering from God?  What kind of loving God would do that?”  This all depends on how you view love.  Love is a full word.  For example, I am affectionate with my son and this is an expression of my love for him.  On the other hand, I also discipline him when necessary.  I am sure that he would call the affection pleasure and the discipline pain.  Both of these come from a loving father that desires his best.

I can remember when my dad would discipline me—I did not see it as love then.  As a matter of fact, I can remember saying that I would never do that to my kids.  Although I did not understand then, with the passing of time and the turning of tables, I now see why my dad allowed suffering to enter my life.  It is the same with God.  We may not know why he allowed one of our children to die at a young age, or even why someone gets cancer, but in the end things often become clearer. 

The End of the Matter
So here’s the bottom line.  A person who is content has received it as a gift from God, has the understanding that all life circumstances come from a loving Heavenly Father, and is moving forward in progress.  I can imagine that Paul often meditated on the life of Christ, especially the last week, and often felt that his suffering paled in comparison.  I encourage you to be content, enjoy the change, and Break your Nature.

Nick Massey is a Life Coach, Speaker, and Writer.  To read more from Nick Massey, or to schedule him for a Life Coaching session, or book him to speak to your church, business, or group, visit our website at © 2014 Nick Massey

Thursday, April 10, 2014

8 Secrets of Transformational Thinking

Nathan and Nancy Negative are some of the most miserable people on planet earth.  Their problem?  You got it—they are negative.  They complain about everything, never make mistakes themselves, and always have something to say about what someone else is doing. If you happen to be related to the couple above, you probably won’t even recognize it.  You are actually probably thinking of someone else who is negative.  That is part of the problem…most negative people don’t even realize they are that way. 

So, let’s just assume you realize that you are a negative person, and are wondering what you can do to change this.  Below are eight acceptable thoughts that can help.  Think on these things.

I know what you are thinking.  “I’ve got this one down pat!”  Not so fast.  What is meant by true, is thinking on reality.  In other words, think about what has actually happened and not what could happen; especially dwelling on the worst case scenario. 

Some people may have visions of chivalry here, and it is actually not that far off.  This type of thought life can be described by meditating on noble character and moral uprightness. 

To be just is to be fair and equitable.  This would include not being partial or biased, and avoiding stereotypes.  In other words, don’t assume the worst of a person, but approach it with a neutral mindset.

The words reserved and clean could come to mind here.  I will translate for you though:  do not hold on to anger, lust, lying, stealing, rebellion, etc.  Kick those thoughts out and replace them with love, honesty, and submission. 

When I think of lovely I think of something that is pleasing.  In a not so normal sense, thinking on lovely thoughts is actually about musing over how you can befriend or please someone else. 

For a thought to be commendable, it is based on what others would like to hear.  I can’t speak for you, but it makes me happy to hear about the good things that happen to people. 

Men can appreciate this word, as excellence is a reference to manliness and valor.  Words like courage, bravery, and boldness are closely associated with excellence.  Women are not excluded here; I am just giving the definition of the transliterated Greek.  It should also be kept in mind that brazen disrespect is not included here. 

This really is the bottom line here when we talk about relationships; if you do not have anything nice to think, then don’t think it.  Try to find the best in others and share with them how God has blessed you through knowing them.

Boom.  That’s it!  Your brain controls the rest of your body including your emotions and behavior.  Change the way you think and change your life.  Break your thinking patterns and break your nature. 

Nick Massey is a Life Coach, Speaker, and Writer.  To read more from Nick Massey, or to schedule him for a Life Coaching session, or book him to speak to your church, business, or group, visit our website at © 2014 Nick Massey

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Introduction to the V.I.P. of Change

We have spent some time talking about the science and process of change, but today I want to share with you the person of change.  His name is the Holy Spirit.  I would be amiss if I gave you all the other information and then did not share with you this truth.  What follows is not a detailed discussion, but they are a few things I have picked up along the way.

The Ultimate Change
As a human, the most rewarding and greatest change that can happen is to transition from the Kingdom of Darkness to the Kingdom of Light.  This is an eternal change in position.  This change is accomplished by God the Father activating the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the lives of you and me.  This change is not initiated by humans, but by God.  It occurs when an individual understands that they cannot make payment for or make right all of the wrongs things they have done.  The good news is this; a man named Jesus walked this earth, and he was the son of God in heaven.  He made the payment by dying for our failings and reconciled us to God.  Greater still is the fact that He not only died, but He was brought back to life and now lives in heaven.  In heaven, He is continually praying to God the Father on your and my behalf.  As you and I humbly ask God to forgive us of our wrong thoughts and actions, He promises to erase the record book of evil and give us the power to overcome.  This is the ultimate change!

Just as with any other great event or success in a person’s life, they usually want to tell everyone about the good thing that has happened to them.  A solemn but joyful celebration takes place in the Christian’s life.  Christian’s call this baptism.  Baptism is a time of recounting the events that lead to a person’s great change.  It is a time that they publicly express their decision to forsake the ways of Satan and unite with God.  While this is a serious event, it is followed by a joyful gathering of friends and church family to celebrate their decision. 

The part that most applies to what we have been speaking of in the past couple of months happens here.  All positive change is directed by the Holy Spirit.  This cannot happen apart from daily choosing to seek God’s desire for our life.  We do this by talking to Him (prayer), listening to Him (Bible study), and doing things together (serving others).  I hope you have personally made a decision for ultimate change, baptism, and abiding with God.  If you have questions, please feel free to contact me through my website on the Contact page.

Nick Massey is a Life Coach, Speaker, and Writer.  To read more from Nick Massey, or to schedule him for a Life Coaching session, or book him to speak to your church, business, or group, visit our website at © 2014 Nick Massey