Reaching the goal is not the end though. Sure, a celebration, a pause, and taking time
to reflect on your accomplishment are all in order. But the journey does not end. You extend the vision, set the next goal, and
keep climbing.
People celebrate victory in different ways. My suggestion is to make it personal and have
people close by that mean a lot to you and have supported your goal. When I graduated from High School, it didn’t
mean much to me because I did not apply myself.
It was just another day like the rest.
Thirteen years later, I will graduate with a Bachelor’s degree, and it
is a totally different experience. I
look forward to commencement much more this time around. I have put in a lot of prayer, late nights,
and hard work to get where I am. I often
think about what it will be like. Who
will come and share this moment with me?
It actually helps drive me to the finish line. Emotion begins to swirl in my chest and well
up to my cheeks as I think about what God has allowed me to accomplish. This journey has been a character issue for
Extend the Vision
This is a time of refocusing and looking ahead. You may have been doing this already and
that’s great. In reality though, great
visions are usually pretty big and it will possibly take you a life time to
achieve. You should be revisiting your
vision daily and at least weekly, but taking the time to revisit your vision now
will definitely allow you to see if adjustments are necessary. Once you have the right vision it will
probably not change very often.
Next Goal
You have to keep climbing the mountain of life! If you camp out on this ledge, you are likely
to climb back down. Life is an endless
mountain in one sense and the journey is tough, but when you reach the summit
of your climb you will be able to look back with satisfaction and thankfulness
to God. So you have to set your next
goal that is going to take you closer to your vision. Crazy successful people usually do not come
up on a point when they realize they have reached their last goal—they are
thinking way ahead.
The bottom line is that after you have embraced change, keep
reaching! Keep climbing! Stop to enjoy the scenery, but move on. Break your Nature and be an Overcomer.
Massey is a Life Coach, Speaker, and Writer.
To read more from Nick Massey, or to schedule him for a Life Coaching
session, or book him to speak to your church, business, or group, visit our
website at © 2014 Nick Massey
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