Are you burdened with a heavy load of change that you believe is
impossible? Maybe you want to overcome
an addiction or lose some weight. If
this is the case, I would like you to consider one insect—the ant. The ant can teach us two lessons that I would
like us to consider in light of adopting lasting lifestyle change.
First, let’s define diligence. says that diligence is the constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken. I must confess that although I am writing
this blog, I too could implement this more into my life. But let’s take a closer look at an ant’s
Ants take A LOT of short breaks.
On average, worker ants nap about 250 times per day, but the naps last
just over one minute. This equates to
about four and half hours of sleep per day.
I think that when adopting lifestyle change this could help prevent burn
out. In other words, don’t stress out
over the minutes you take a break, but make sure you keep the goal in front of
you so you do not linger into laziness.
Another point worth mentioning here for the extremists—you need more
than four hours of sleep. Make sure you
get your seven and half to nine hours of sleep if possible.
Interdependence is a fancy word for having balanced
relationships. You are not dependent in
the sense that you cannot function as an individual, but you are also not the
lone ranger who claims sole independence.
You recognize that you need others, but you also do your part as an
The cool thing about ants here is that they move an estimated 50
tons of soil per year in one square mile.
Do you think that one ant could do that alone? Nope. They
need help—and lots of it. In the same
way, when you want to make a move in life, you need to get some help. Do not be afraid to reach out to those who
will support you in your change. Make
this circle as big as possible. Just
like the ant though, you still have to do your own lifting.
The Bottom Line
Ants are great testimonies to the power of what can be
accomplished when you are diligent and interdependent. Take some time right now for 10 or 15 minutes
and evaluate your commitment to change in these areas. Are your breaks too long? What will you do to help shorten those
breaks? Do you have a circle of support
to help you change? If not, write those
names down and decide what you will talk to them about today. What do you need from them? Dig like an ant and Break your Nature. Watch this video
to see what one colony of ants accomplished!
Massey is a Life Coach, Speaker, and Writer.
To read more from Nick Massey, or to schedule him for a Life Coaching
session, or book him to speak to your church, business, or group, visit our
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